Images from an AN/TSC-60(V)2

With great thanks to Tony Snider

20 Novemeber 2004

As we find related links or articles on the Shelters, they will be added.

Please provide any references, comments, stories, etc. that you can find!

TSC-60 Front view

TSC-60 Rear view

Radio Control Position

Two OK-145 radio control systems on bottom, 208U3 Control on top left, Audio-Coupler on top right

Receiver-Exciter Rack

URG-II Equipment Rack

1st Shelf, 1st Receiver, above is circuit breaker panel

2nd shelf, 1st Exciter

3rd Shelf, 2nd Receiver

4th Shelf, 2nd Exciter

URG-II Equipment Rack Blower Unit

208U-3 Power Amplifier Control

208U-3 Power Amplifier Control - left

208U-3 Power Amplifier Control - right

URG-II Control System

URG-II Radio Control

URG-II Radio Control - center view (Receive)

URG-II Radio Control - center view (Transmit)

URG-II Radio Control - right view (Audio)

Radio Audio monitoring and Antenna Coupler control

URG-II Audio Monitoring & Coupler Control

URG-II Audio Monitoring - left view

URG-II Audio Monitoring - right view - shows the coupler controls

This equipment was used to align the audio channels over the path

URG-II Audio Test set, Left view, TS-2915

URG-II Audio Test set - Right view

Shelter Accessory Case

Shelter test equipment

Shelter document (nicely stacked!)

Shelter spare equipment cabinets

Shelter spare equipment (top drawer)

Shelter spare equipment (mid drawer)

Shelter spare equipment (bottom drawer)

Shelter spare equipment-2 (top drawer)

Shelter spare equipment-2 (mid drawer)

Shelter spare equipment-2 (bottom drawer)

Shelter spare equipment-3

Shelter spare equipment-4

Spare cable (can not remember what it was used for)

Shelter test equipment (cables and adapters) cabinets

Shelter test equipment (top drawer)

Shelter test equipment (middle drawer)

Shelter test equipment (bottom drawer)

Shelter test-2 equipment (top drawer)

Shelter test-2 equipment (bottom drawer)

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